
Welcome on the online store for organic and natural fruits El Camacho, name of our farm.
Come taste our fully ripe fruits directly during the Raw Fruit Festival we organize every year in September, with guests from all over, outdoor activities in a preserved valley in Andalusia!
During the year, we offer fruits from small family size polyculture farms from Andalusia, Southern Spain. Organic and Natural fruits, without treatments, and picked fully ripe and delivered directly from the Andalusian farms to the different consumer groups organized as of today. To be able to get those quality fruits, make sure you can join one of the existing group, or create a new group near you! To do so, contact us to know all the details (to start, you would need about 20 families to limit the shipping costs).
Groups in France:
- Lyon / West of Lyon (maximum number of members reached)
- Paris 14 (maximum number of members reached)
- Isle Adam, Val d´Oise, north of Paris
- Tours, Marcon, Saint Jouin de Marnes
- Toulouse, Ariège
- Germany Fruit Coop, home delivery in Germany
- Lyon / West of Lyon (maximum number of members reached)
- Paris 14 (maximum number of members reached)
- Isle Adam, Val d´Oise, north of Paris
- Tours, Marcon, Saint Jouin de Marnes
- Toulouse, Ariège
- Germany Fruit Coop, home delivery in Germany
In order to join a group and order, create a profile on the website, and you will be able to access the next delivery dates for your group once your account is approved by the administrator of the site.
As the fruits are shipped by palets and refrigerated trucks directly to the distribution point for the group, you have to place your order before the deadline corresponding to your group. Depending on the groups, shipments can be planned every month, or depending on the needs of the group members, and always between the months of September and June, without shipments during the summer to let you enjoy locally produced fruits!
Do not hesitate to join or to contact us for more details and creating your group to be able to enjoy with your friends and neighbors fruits from Southern Spain like mangoes, cherimoyas, avocados, citrus, litchis, guavas, persimmons, bananas, but also tomatoes, cucumbers etc, and different raw nuts in shell like macadamias, pecan, and pistachios!
Take a look at the Health, Fitness and Fasting retreats we organize in Andalusia, hoping to meet you soon!