
Frequently asked questions

A maximum of answers to the questions who ask yourself about the store.
The fruits offered in our store come from Andalusia, South of Spain, except for the Cavendish bananas from the Canarian Islands, Spanish territory on the southwest coast of Morocco.
All the fruits come from small poly-culture farms, either certified organic or from trustable and trusted farmers who do not use any kind of chemical products before, during and after harvest. Natural fruits, from farms where you can find alltogether mango, cherimoya, avocado, bananas etc.
The products shown in the store are the ones currently available. Once connected to the website with your profile, the prices of the products available and selected for the group are shown, as well as the next delivery dates for this group, and only the products offered to the group members are shown. If no delivery is planned for this group, no product is shown.
Most of the fruits are sold by boxes. The weight of the boxes is given as a guideline. A box announced at 4kg for example can in fact weight between 3.8 and 4.2kg. The boxes are weighted when being shipped in Andalusia with a margin error (extra weight) to compensate the natural moisture loss during the shipping and the storage before the final distribution to the group members. Please note that the freshest the produce, the higher the weight loss due to moisture loss in the very first days after picking.
Therefore, the weight of the boxes can vary up to 10% from the announced weight.
The fruits are not calibrated, and can vary in shape, size, weight in the same box, like on a tree!
Also, the fruits come from organic certified farms as well as trusted farms where no toxic, chemical etc are used. As a consequence, the visual aspect of the fruits can show small blemishes or stains due to the insects etc.
To order, you need to make sure a consumer group is available near your home. We do not ship fruits directly to homes, but only to consumer groups in order to offer the fruits directly from the producers to the consumer. Each group make a common order and organize the distribution of the fruits. Fruits are picked just before being shipped, and get to you 2 to 3 days only after been piced. Allowing us to bring you tree ripened fruits.
If you can´t find a group nearby, you can also create one for your area, keeping in mind that an order must be of 600 kilos of fruits minimum.
Once you know your group, you have to create an account on the website in order to access the store, and make an order before the delivery date for your group.
The payment of your order is expected either in cash when picking the order, either by bank transfer in advance. In the latest, please contact to receive the bank details for the transfer.
We cannot accept personal check or credit card.
Thank you
Prices shown include the shipping cost.
Spanish Value Added Taxes do apply for sales to particulars from another country in the European Union. Spanish VAT for fresh fruits is 4%, and some products are taxed 10% or 21%.